29 Sep September Pointscore
We had it about as good as it gets on the beaches today for Club Event #6 sponsored by Glen Gilbertson Timber Floorsanding– 4-5ft with 6ft bigger bombs hitting a good Wanda left bank that was offshore and pumping all day. It was a chore getting the trailer up there but congrats to everyone that helped and surfed.
Winners were Ollie Orr in the Micro’s, Zara Hyland took out Beau Swan in the U13’s, Ace Ashton was the U16’s champ and Grace Gosby smashed the Women’s final before catching the wave of the Open Final (8.5) before getting run down by Haydo and Jordy. Rhys Young was the unlucky one catching the heat winning wave 3 seconds after the final hooter blew and Fishkiller took the masters crown.