23 Dec 2020 CBC Presentation
2020 has been an extraordinarily challenging year with Covid crowds and contest cancellation due to poor waves all part of the ongoing story.
We finally got through five Open contests and seven Junior events finishing early in December and crowning our Club Champions at our presentation in the second half of December.
North Cronulla Surf Club played host to the Clubs 43rd presentation with former Cadet and Junior champion Jay Brown finally overcoming the competitive genius and six time Club Champ Jordan Widenstrom to take his first Open title.
April Davey took her second crown with a win in the Women’s and Adam Brown won a closely contested o45 with a win in the final contest of the year .
Kash Brown was unbeatable in the 13’s and Oscar Cafe the super competitive 16’s and Oliver Croft was a popular winner in the Micro-Parent assist.
Our 2021 season starts in March and the Cronulla Committee thanks all the Club’s valuable sponsors and hopes everybody has a safe Christmas and a wave filled New Year.
- Winners
- Opens
- Micros
- Juniors
- Girls
- Cadets
- Browny
- Alley Master & Club Champ
- Over 45s