03 Jul July Contest Report
We tried to have our monthly pointscore contest at the Alley on the 4th July – but could only get through the Parent assist,u13’s,u16’s and Women’s before it was abandoned due to it being unsurfable due to the size and non existent power.
The results were a Brown out with Kash Brown taking the u13’s and Zai Brown the u16’s with Sam Walker just doing enough to win the Women’s over April Davey.
Thanks to all members for listening at last months June Pointscore and entered online, spread out on the beach and listened to everything that was sent out. Last month was different but was a great success.
We are stoked to say that our July pointscore is on this Saturday at North Cronulla/Alley 7am start and its closer to our normal format.
We will be running divisions with progression through to finals as a normal comp this month.
Format is normal but we need to keep social distance front of mind. Check the email going out to all members later today for more information!
Financial members can register here https://www.liveheats.com/cronullasharks there won’t be any beach entries.
Draw posted on live heats by Friday 6pm